I have been actively attending Republican club meetings and events for the last four years. During that time, I have heard numerous elected officials bemoan the low voter turnout and express worry that they may not be reelected because of voter apathy. And it is true, voter turnout has been horrible in most of our recent elections.
BUT there is one glaring exception! When Donald J. Trump is on the ballot, voter turnout skyrockets! WHY? Let’s explore some potential reasons for this phenomenon and what Knox County Republicans can learn from President Trump.
First, President Trump Longs to Engage With Voters
Trump goes out of his way to practice retail politics. He makes a special effort to engage on a personal level with voters. Certainly, that has been curtailed somewhat due to security concerns, but anyone can see that he wants to interact with the voters. He asks them about their lives, he shakes their hands, and there are the many, many stories of his acts of generosity to those that are hurting.
His concern for his constituents is genuine and they know it and love him for it. Too many politicians get in a bubble and lose perspective. They get in a rut of only interacting with other politicians, private sector elites, and various other “yes people”.
Knox County Republicans need to interact more with the voters and maintain that engagement. Knocking on doors is an excellent way to hear what is on the mind of the voters, whether done for a campaign, or simply to better serve constituents.
A perfect example of this is the development issue. People from all over Knox County are crying out for limits to be placed on high density development, but most elected Republicans completely ignore the voices of the people in favor of special interests.
Second, President Trump is a Hard Worker
Whether he is flying around the country speaking at campaign rallies, going to visit victims of natural disasters, or calling legislators to lobby to pass a bill he has proposed, anyone can see that Trump works—HARD! Said to only sleep about four hours a night, he keeps up a dizzying pace that people half his age have trouble matching. He doesn’t take anything for granted.
For too long, Knox County Republicans have just assumed that they will win because Knox County is a red county. It’s that lackadaisical mindset that will cause Knox County to turn purple and then blue. Knox County Republicans need to learn to work hard!
Waiting to put forth effort until a month before an election is a recipe for disaster. Electoral and governmental success is achieved by working year around. That’s why it is so important to get more Republicans involved.
There is an old saying. “Many hands make for light work”. Sustaining the effort we need to have success is much more easily accomplished if more conservatives get off of their couches and get involved!
Knocking doors, making calls, texting friends and family, installing yard signs at the property of supporters, contacting legislators to influence votes, and running for office are all ways that we can help make a difference!
Trustworthiness is Another Aspect of Donald Trump’s Appeal to Voters
While he may exaggerate at times, Trump mostly keeps his promises. More than almost any political figure in my lifetime, he does what he says he is going to do. There are times when he isn’t able to convince others to go along with a particular policy proposal, but it isn’t for lack of trying.
Too many other politicians make campaign promises that they have no intention of keeping. Too many “Republicans” campaign as conservatives then get elected and become a part of the Establishment. Abandoning all their promises of fiscal restraint and preserving constitutionally guaranteed liberties, they trade principles for campaign cash. Knox County Republicans need to keep their promises!
Finally, President Trump Does Not Let Criticism Deter Him
Time after time, Trump has announced a policy position and has been attacked mercilessly by his political opponents and by the mainstream media. And yet, he pushes forward despite the criticism.
Trump has core principles that drive his campaigns and administration. He believes in these ideas so strongly that he is willing to push forward even in the face of the harshest criticism.
The Republican Party should stand for principles like lower taxes, less regulation, defending our God-given constitutionally protected freedoms, and promoting Christian moral values that made America the greatest country in the history of the world.
Too often in Knox County, unscrupulous politicians seek to ally themselves with the Republican Party, not because they share those principles, but because they perceive that you must be a Republican to win.
That kind of manipulative spirit inhabits too many Republicans in Knox County. They seek the smooth downhill path of compromise rather than the rugged incline of conscientious conservatism. Their spinelessness paves the way for future tyranny. Alexander Hamilton supposedly said, “Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything”.
Knox County Republicans need to ignore criticism and stand on Republican principles!
Maybe You Should Be More Like President Trump
In summary, when Republican elected officials complain about poor voter turnout, we should ask them to think of a Republican for whom the people will stand in line for hours. What Republican do they know who can be smeared by the media and his opponents and threatened with illegitimate legal action and be more popular than ever before? The answer? Donald J. Trump.
Maybe, if you want voters to turn out for you, you should be more like President Trump! Maybe Knox County Republicans should learn some things from President Donald Trump!
Martin Ammons is a founding member of the Conservative Republicans of South Knox County and currently serves as Treasurer of the Knox County Republican Party
Putting the interest of the people you serve ahead of individual interest is the behavior of a Statesman not a politician.
Exactly! Trump has sacrificed immensely, while other politicians are enriching themselves.
You wrote:
“Too often in Knox County, unscrupulous politicians seek to ally themselves with the Republican Party, not because they share those principles, but because they perceive that you must be a Republican to win.”
Excellent and timely article, Martin – especially the above statement that has been the driving force behind two different candidate challenges that we undertook of non-Republican candidates who used our TNGOP brand for self advancement.
I, and many other conservatives, appreciate the stand you and the West Knox Republican Club have taken against these fake Republicans!
Well stated. A meaningful contribution to Knox County’s civic dialogue.
Thank you! I appreciate your support!
President Trump has a huge email data base and and even larger social media following. Knox County Republican Party needs to follow that communications model to increase turnout in the March and August elections.
I agree completely! Times have changed and the Knox County Republican Party must change with them. Our current chair only wants a website and Facebook. Very few social media posts. Totally clueless on social media influence!